Tzatziki Workshop builds on the experiential learning from the Tzatziki game - focused toward Your Organization - and followed with discussion of how your organization could go forward.
1. Tzatziki Game at your Organizational Location – with format adapted to your type of client/ customer base.
2. Debriefing Discussion – lead by Øresund Synergy expert Group - comparing results of different work organizations methods (with your organization’s members):
for The Person – for The Organization – for The Client.
3. Small-group discussions - lead by Øresund Synergy’s facilitators. What happens on my job? What happens at our organization? What is good? What is a problem? Local experiences and personal reactions come together.
4.Suggestions on finding possible solutions / or plans for action with Øresund Synergy’s Training Methods and Tools, spanning across many areas - from personal stress coping, personal behavior, client/organization dialogues, organizational analysis and organization re-design ( Full group)
5. Plenary discussion (Full group): Finding the Common Themes for Your Organization;
- Feasible Utopia -Possible Next Steps -Prioritization