Jørgen Møller ChristiansenJørgen Møller Christiansen

Jørgen Møller Christiansen was recently employed as a senior research associate at University of Southern Denmark where he will be in charge of a project on fatigue and working conditions.

Since 1996, Jørgen has also been a co-ordinator and senior consultant within the area of work environment at CASA, a center for alternative analysis of society. Here he is currently working on projects on workplace development in day-care institutions and  in a company handling train service. Together with Peter Hagedorn Rasmussen, Jørgen has just composed a set of guidelines on how to make progress when working with job satisfaction in the public sector.  One of his recent major research projects was done in co-operation with University of Southern Denmark and  dealt with psychosocial work environment and working life in the media business. Jørgen is also an authorized specialist and supervisor in work and organizational psychology and has been employed as a work and organizational psychologist at various departments for occupational medicine and at the Factories Inspectorate in Denmark. Apart from this work, he has been lecturer at Århus University and external lecturer at Roskilde University. Furthermore, Jørgen is a consultant for Hans Reitzels Publishers, and he himself has an extensive list of publications within the area of work and organizational psychology.